Ой, в виннім, в виннім, в виннім городі, гей, дай Боже!

Performed by Rozalia Strutynska and Iwan Strutynski.
Recorded January 6, 2025 in Staryi Lysets', Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Ukraine.
Telephone recording. Performed with hurdy-gurdy.

Carol #21 "Зажурилися гори й долини" ["The mountains and valleys are saddened"], follows the plot in the recording most closely, but starts with how mountains and valleys are sad that the harvest is poor, except the green wine.

Carol #25 starts with "Йа в винці, в винці, в виннім городці" ["In a wine, wine, wine garden"], which (almost) was the first line in the recording, but has a completely different plot (there's a girl in the wine garden trying to get the passing noblemen to marry her).

The recording merges these two — in a wine garden, the green wine had a bountiful harvest.


telephone recording, Ukraine