Performed by Rozalia Strutynska and Iwan Strutynski.
Recorded January 6, 2025 in Staryi Lysets', Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Ukraine.
Telephone recording.
First one (0:00-0:11):
Небагато нас прийшло, [вісім?] троє, [Only a few of us have come, [eight?] three,]
А троє ще за горою, господь Бог з тобою. [And three more are over the mountain, Lord God is with you.]
Second one (0:20-0:32):
"Пан староста падав з моста":
Пан староста падав з моста, аж портки сі дерли*, [The elder was falling off a bridge, his pants got torn,]
А свахи сі так сміяли, мало шо не вмерли. [The matchmakers** were laughing so hard, they almost died.]
*Iwan sings "штани му сі дерли" (another way of saying "his pants got torn")
**Свахи/Swahy are the professional wedding organizers/matchmakers.
Third one (0:34-0:42): Rozalia sings:
А я на весілля, дивлюсь і в колиску, [I'm going to a wedding, looking into the stroller,]
Дитина сі розповила, я чоловіка по писку, [The child told me, and I smacked the husband in the face]
Дитина сі розповила, я його по писку. [The child told me, and I smacked him in the face]
It's a version of this kolomyika:
Ой прийшла я із гуляння, дивлюся в колиску, [Oh, I came back from celebrating, looking into the stroller,]
А дитина не купана, я діда по писку. [And the child has not been washed, I smacked grandpa in the face.]
Fourth one (and maybe fifth one) (0:50-1:24):
За що б'єш, за що б'єш, рації не маєш... [Why are you hitting me, why are you hitting me, there's no reason]
It looks like they forgot the rest of the words — it's part of this song.
Afterwards they continued with what seems to be either a variant or a different kolomyika.