Browse Recordings by Singer
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Recordings by Title
- À la claire fontaine
- A venit primavara
- Ach, wie ist's möglich dann
- Acres of Clams
- Adam Rude
- After the Ball
- Άγιος Βασίλης έρχεται (Κάλαντα Πρωτοχρονιάς)
- Άγιος Βασίλης έρχεται (Κάλαντα Πρωτοχρονιάς)
- Ah Gezunte in de Baine
- Ain't Got a Barrel of Money
- Aj, lúčka, lúčka široká
- Alabama Gal
- Alabama Gal
- Alabama State Song
- Alanthia
- All Things Are Quite Silent
- Alle meine Entchen
- Alouette
- Alouette
- Alouette
- L'amant trompé
- Amazing Grace
- Amazing Grace
- Amelia Earhart's Last Flight
- America (My Country, 'Tis of Thee)
- Amis, buvons
- Angeline the Baker
- Announcement
- As Free a Little Bird as I Can Be
- As I Roved Out
- As I Walked Out Into Her Hall
- Atirei o Pau No Gato
- Atirei o Pau No Gato
- Atirei o Pau No Gato
- Au claire de la lune/Frère Jacques/À Saint-Malo beau port de mer
- Augun mín og augun þín
- Aunt Sue
- Awake, Awake, You Drowsy Sleeper
- Away in a Manger
- Aye Wauking, O
- Baa, Baa, Black Sheep
- Baby-Love
- Bad News Has Come to Town (Brave Wolfe)
- The Ballad of Ray Hicks
- The Ballad of Sheila Turbyfill
- Bamboo
- The Band Played On
- The Banks of the Nile
- Barbara Allan
- Barbara Allen
- Barbara Allen
- Barbara Allen
- Barbara Allen
- Barbara Allen
- Barb'ry Ellen
- Barn Dance Call
- Barn Dance Call
- Barn Dance Call
- Barn Dance Call
- Barn Dance Call
- Barn Dance Call
- Barn Dance Call
- Barn Dance Call
- Barn Dance Call
- Barn Dance Call
- Barn Dance Call
- Batatinha Quando Nasce
- A Bear Ripen Tare
- A Bear Ripen Tare
- The Bee and the Pup
- Beer Barrel Polka
- Beer Barrel Polka
- Belfast Hornpipe
- La belle Exodina
- Berceuse du petit Jésus
- Berend Botje
- Bésame mucho
- "El Bethel"
- Big Bad Bill (Is Sweet William Now)
- Big Bear
- Big Rock Candy Mountain
- Billy Boy
- Billy Boy
- Billy Boy
- Billy McCoy (Oceana Roll)
- Billy My Son
- Birdie, Birdie
- Бити, бити, паче моје мало
- Black Bess
- Black Cat, Black Cat
- Black-Eyed Susie
- Black-Jack Davy
- Black Joke
- Black Sheep
- Black Socks/White Sails
- Black Socks
- The Black Velvet Band
- The Blackboard of My Heart
- The Blaydon Races
- The Blaydon Races
- Blaydon Races
- Bloody Great Codfish
- Blow Job Service
- Bluebell
- The Blue-Tail Fly
- Bo Lamkin
- Bo Lamkin
- Bo Lamkin
- Bo Lamkin
- Bo Lamkins
- Bobby Shaftoe
- Bobby Shaftoe
- The Bog Down in the Valley
- Boi da Cara Preta
- Bolakins
- Bolakins
- Bolakins
- Bolamkin
- The Bold Poachers
- Bolinkin
- Bolinkin
- Bonaparte's Retreat
- Bonhomme! Bonhomme!
- Bonnie Susie Cleland
- The Boy I Love Is Up in the Gallery
- The Boys of Barr na Sráide
- Boys of Bluehill
- Brazos River Song
- Brenda's Song
- Brigg Fair
- Bright Morning Star
- Brinca la tablita
- The Brisk Young Widow
- Brochan Lom
- Buffalo Gals
- Buffalo Gals
- Bulbit and Fumfit
- Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie
- Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie
- Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie
- Buster Brown Shoes
- Les buveurs les voyageurs
- Ca' the Ewes to the Knowes
- Cabbage Head Song
- Cai, Cai, Balão
- Cambric Shirt
- Caminos de la vida
- Camp Chase
- Camptown Races
- Can Ye Sew Cushions
- Careless Love
- Царице Небесна (Prayer)
- Carolan's Concerto
- The Carrion Crow
- Carry Me Back to Old Virginny
- Casetta in Canadà
- Catch a Pickled Herring
- The Cattle Call
- Les cavaliers du ciel
- The Central Vermont Railroad Tragedy
- C'est dans la rue Colin
- C'était un petit nègre qui pissait
- Chanukah, Chanukah
- "Chapels of France" (Le Carillon de Vendôme)
- Chatarra (Pregón)
- Cherry Hill
- The Cherry-Tree Carol
- Chevaliers de la table ronde
- Chicken Reel
- Chickens in the Garden
- Child Owlet
- Children of the Lord
- The China Man
- Choosing Song
- Cielito lindo
- Чија кола, чија кола клепећу сокаком
- Cindy
- Cindy
- Cindy
- Coast of High Barbaree
- Cold and Frosty Morning
- La comadre
- Come Again, sweet love doth now invite
- Come All You Virginia Gals
- Come Feed the Black Sow
- Come, Little Leaves
- Connemara Cradle Song
- The Coo Coo
- Countdown to Christmas
- Counting-Out Rhyme for Toes
- Country Life
- Cowpoke Pokin' Along
- The Crabfish
- Cradle's Empty
- O Cravo Brigou Com a Rosa
- Creepin' and A-Crawlin'
- Cripple Creek
- Cripple Creek
- Cripple Creek
- Cripple Creek
- Cripple Creek
- The Cruel Brother
- The Crying Family
- Cumberland Gap
- Cumberland Gap
- Cumberland Gap
- Cushie Butterfield
- Cushie Butterfield
- Daar was laatst een meisje loos
- Dakota Land
- The Dalesman's Litany
- Dance to Your Daddy
- Dance to Your Daddy
- Dance to Your Daddy
- Dandoo
- The Darby Ram
- Dark as a Dungeon
- Darktown Strutter's Ball
- Darling Clementine
- Darling Clementine
- Darling Clementine
- The Day Me Galluses Broke
- Deaf Woman's Courtship
- The Death of Queen Jane
- De'il in the Kitchen/The Farmer's Daughter
- Deliciosas arepitas (Pregón)
- The Derby Ram
- Derwentwater's Farewell
- Deutschland über alles
- The Devil and the Farmer
- Devil and the Farmer's Wife
- The Devil and the Feathery Wife
- The Dewy Dens of Yarrow
- Do Lord
- Do You Love an Apple?
- Dog and Gun (The Jolly Farmer)
- Dona, Dona
- Dona Nobis Pacem
- Donkey Riding
- The Donkey Song
- Don't Believe Everything You Hear
- Don't Sell Daddy Anymore Whiskey
- The Donut Song
- Doon in the Wee Room
- Doucement s'en va le jour
- Down by the Old Mill Stream
- Down by the Riverside
- Down by the Salley Gardens
- Down in the Valley
- Down on Megan's Farm
- Down to the River
- The Dreadnought
- Dreamland Opens Here (Louisiana Lullaby)
- Drie schuintamboers
- Drunken Sailor
- Duck's Eyeball
- Dueling Banjos/Cripple Creek
- Duérmete mi niño
- Dunderveck
- Dzisiaj w Betlejem
- Early Pearly
- East Virginia Blues
- The Eddystone Light
- Eggs and Marrowbone
- Eggs and Marrowbone
- Eggs and Marrowbone
- Eight Feet Tall
- Ekkillinn (The Widower)
- Un Elefante Se Balanceaba
- Ellen Smith
- Elsie Marley
- En mi viejo San Juan
- En mi viejo San Juan
- Esclavo y amo
- Ev'rybody Calls Me Honey
- The Fairies
- The Farmer in the Dell
- The Farmer's Curst Wife
- Farmington Canal Song
- Farther Along
- Fear a' Bhàta
- Fiddle Piece #2
- Fiddle-dee-dee
- La fille qui voulait pas se rendre au rouè de Léon
- Five Foot Two
- Five Foot Two
- 500 Miles
- Flee Fly (Two Variants)
- Flow Gently, Sweet Afton
- Flowers of the Forest
- The Flying Cloud
- Forest Service
- Four Nights Drunk
- Four Nights Drunk
- The Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night
- Frank Proffitt's Self-Parody Over Incorrect Field Notes
- Frankie and Johnny
- Frankie and Johnny
- Frankie and Johnny
- Freight Train
- Freight Train
- "French Cathedrals" (Le Carillon de Vendôme)
- The Friendly Beasts
- Frog at the Bottom of the Lake
- Frog Went A'Courting
- Froggie Went A-Courtin'
- Froggie Went A-Courting
- Froggie Went A-Courting
- Froggie Went A-Courting
- Froggie Went A-Courting
- Froggie Went A-Courting
- The Froggy He Am a Queer Bird
- The Froggy He Am a Queer Bird (with Variants)
- Frunzulita verde
- Galadriel's Song/Song of the Eldamar
- Galbenâ gutuie
- Un gato cayó en un plato
- General Taylor
- George Collins
- George Collins
- George Collins
- George Collins
- Georgia State Song
- Georgie
- Georgie
- Georgie
- The German Clock-Winder
- Ging Gang Goolie
- Glory, Glory, Hallelujah
- De Glory Road
- Go Get the Axe
- Go In and Out the Window
- Go In and Out the Windows
- Go Tell Aunt Rhody
- Go to Sleep My Little Baby
- Go to Sleep My Little Picaninny
- The Golden Vanity
- The Golden Vanity
- Gonna Sing My Lord
- Good Morning
- Good Ship Cantaloupe
- Goodnight Irene
- Goodnight Irene
- Goodnight Irene
- Grandfather's Clock
- Grandfather's Clock
- Grandfather's Clock
- Gravel in Almeda's Gum (Tornado Story)
- The Gravy Song
- Great Big Turkey
- Great Green Gobs
- Great Green Gobs
- Great Green Gobs of Greasy, Grimy Gopher Guts
- The Great Historical Bum
- Great Speckled Bird
- The Green Grass Grew All Around
- Greencastle Jenny
- Grief Is a Knot
- Gyermekem ó Aludjál
- The Gypsy Rover
- Hai catrina si-mi arata
- Hail to the Homeland
- "Hainted Holler" Tale
- Hallelujah, I'm a Bum
- Hallelujah, I'm a Bum
- Hallelujah, I'm a Bum
- Halloween, Halloween
- A Halloween Visitor
- Ham and Eggs
- Handsome Mary (Lily of the West)
- Handsome Winsome Johnny
- Handsome Winsome Johnny
- Handsome Winsome Johnny
- Hangman
- The Happy Ploughman
- Harbor Lights
- Harvest Home
- Harvest Home
- Harvest Home
- Harvest Home
- Has Anybody Here Seen Kelly
- Haul Away Joe
- Have I Told You Lately That I Love You
- "He Had Two Mules"
- He Moved Through the Fair
- He Touched Me
- The Hearse Song
- Heavenly Sunlight
- Hen House Serenade
- Henry Lee
- Henry Martin
- Henry My Son
- Here Each Day We Travel
- Here, Rattler, Here
- Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush
- Her Mother Never Told Her
- Her Mother Never Told Her
- Hey Diddle Diddle
- Hey, Ho, Nobody Home
- Hi-Lo Jackalo
- Hicks' Farewell
- Higgledy Piggledy My Black Hen
- Highland Laddie
- The Highlandman Who Kisses Granny
- Hine Ma Tov
- Hine Ma Tov
- Hippety Hop to the Bucket Shop
- Hoe-ding-ding
- The Holland Handkerchief (The Suffolk Miracle)
- The Holly and the Ivy
- Home on the Range
- Home on the Range
- Home on the Range
- Hora (for Fiddle)
- Hora unirii
- Hörpukvæði
- Horsey, Horsey
- Horsin' Around Downtown
- The House Carpenter
- The House Carpenter
- The House Carpenter
- The House Carpenter
- How Aunt Lena Turbyfill Talked Fire Out of a Burn
- How Beautiful Heaven Must Be
- How Firm a Foundation
- How Peculiar
- How Tedious and Tasteless the Hours
- Hullabaloo Belay
- Hush Little Baby, Don't Say a Word
- Hush Little Baby
- "I Am an Old Man..."
- I Can't Find My Way Back Home
- I Don't Know Why She Married a Ward
- I ghöre äs glöggli (I Hear a Bell)
- I See the Moon
- I Sing a Song of the Saints of God
- I Used to Call Her Baby
- "I Was Raised Out in the Country..."
- I Will Pass My Shoe
- I Wish I Was Single Again
- I Wonder When I Shall Be Married
- I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now
- I Wouldn't Leave My Little Wooden Hut for You
- I'll Fly Away
- I'll Fly Away
- I'll Sail My Ship Alone
- I'll Sell My Hat, I'll Sell My Coat
- I'll Sell My Hat, I'll Sell My Coat
- I'll Sell My Hat, I'll Sell My Coat
- I'll Sing You One, O
- I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen
- I'll Tell My Ma
- I'm a Nut
- I'm Certain
- I'm Going Back to North Carolina
- I'm Going Back to North Carolina
- I'm Going Where My Troubles Will Be Over
- I'm My Own Grandpa
- I've Been a Bad, Bad Girl
- I've Been All Around This World
- I've Been Working on the Railroad
- I've Got a Brother
- I've Ranged, I've Roamed and I've Travelled
- I've Seen the Lightning Flashing
- I've Worked Eight Hours This Day
- Ich geh' mit meiner Laterne
- Идем ја, иде калдрма
- If I Could Hear My Mother Pray Again
- If I Could Hear My Mother Pray Again
- If I Could Hear My Mother Pray Again
- Il y a de l'eau dedans la trou
- Ilkley Moor Bar Tat
- In the Garden
- In the Garden
- In the Good Old Summer Time
- In the Shade I Lie and Ponder
- In the Sweet By-and-By
- In the Sweet By-and-By
- Indulj el egy úton
- Interview/Cumberland Gap
- An Irish Curse
- Is Not This the Land of Beulah?
- Jack O'Lantern
- Jackaroe
- J'ai fait la plus jolie maîtresse
- J'ai fait la plus jolie maîtresse
- Jesus Loves Me
- Jesus Loves Me
- Jewels (When He Cometh)
- Jewels (When He Cometh)
- Jobal Hunter
- Johnny Don't Get Drunk
- Johnny O'Braidesley
- Johnny, Poor Johnny
- Johnson Boys
- Jones' Ale
- Journeyman Tailors
- Joy of Quebec
- Judged by the Company One Keeps
- Just as I Am
- Just as I Am
- Just Because
- Kate and the Cowhide
- Katie Morey
- Καβουράκια
- Keel Row
- The Keeper
- The Keeper
- The Keeper
- The Keeper of the London Zoo
- Keweenaw Light
- King John and the Bishop
- The King of Rome
- Kis kece lányom
- Kiss Me Goodnight, Sergeant Major
- The Knoxville Girl
- The Knoxville Girl
- Knoxville Girl
- Ой, гуцули-протокули ламали калину (Kolomyika)
- Колыбельная Баю-баюшки-баю
- Kortjakje
- Krakowjak (Cracovienne)
- Крикну я голосно, най мати почує
- Krummi svaf í klettagjá
- La oglindâ
- Lady Franklin's Lament
- Lady Lulu (Louisville Lou)
- Lady Margaret
- Lady of York (The Cruel Mother)
- Lamkin
- Lamorna
- The Lass of Loch Royal
- Laundry Song
- Lavender Blue
- Lavender Blue
- Lavender Blue
- Lay Down Little Doggies
- The Lea-Rig
- Leaving of Liverpool
- Lee Mills
- Let Me Call You Sweetheart
- The Levee Song
- Lily Schull
- Lily Shull
- Little Bird, Little Bird
- Little Birdie in a Tree
- Little Cabin in the Woods
- Little Orphant Annie
- Little Sadie
- The Little Skunk's Hole
- Liverpool Judies
- Liverpool to Frisco
- Loch Lomond
- The Lollipop Man
- London's Burning
- Long Lankin
- Long Time Traveler
- Lord Bateman
- Lord Bateman
- Lord Lovel
- Lord of the Dance
- Lord Randall
- Lord Thomas
- Lord's Prayer
- Louis Riel
- Low Bridge
- Lowlands (Away)
- Lowlands (Away)
- Lowlands (Away)
- Lowlands of Holland
- Luceafârul
- Lulajże Jezuniu
- Люлю люлю каже люлю під зелену дулю
- The Lumberjack's Waltz
- Lumberman's Alphabet
- Ma Brune
- Mai vasile de la dorna
- The Maid and the Palmer
- A Maid A-Being Young
- Maid on the Shore
- Mairzy Doats
- Mairzy Doats
- Mairzy Doats
- Malagueña
- Mama, ik wil 'n man hè
- Man of Constant Sorrow
- A Man Returning Home One Night (Died for Love)
- The Man That Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo
- The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo
- Las Mañanitas
- Mango verde (Pregón)
- Maple Sweet
- Marble Story
- Le marchand de velours
- Marching Through Georgia
- Mariainen
- Marianson
- Marion Parker
- Mary of the Wild Moor
- Masaje (Pregón)
- The Master of the Sheepfold
- Maude's Grave
- Maude's Grave
- Maude's Grave
- Le mauvais homme
- Mazorca (Pregón)
- Mazourka
- McCafferty
- McKeeny Is Dead
- Memories of You
- Mermaid Song
- The Merry Golden Tree
- The Minstrel Boy
- Miss Lucy
- Miss Susie
- Mississippi Sawyer
- The Mistletoe Bough
- The Mistletoe Bough
- Mistress Shady
- Moccasin Shuffle/Ice on the Road
- Το Μοιρολόγιο της Παναγίας
- Moliendo café
- Molly Bawn
- Молотилка (Threshing Machine)
- Mommy Moon
- Moon Behind the Hill
- Moonlight Bay
- Moriaantje
- The Mountains of Mourne
- Mrs. Bond (Come and Be Killed)
- Mrs. Gee
- Muchilanga
- La múcura
- "Mule Eggs" Tale
- [Multiple titles]
- Muskrat
- My Barque Leaves the Harbour Tomorrow
- My Daddy Lies Over the Ocean
- "My Grandma Was a Very Honest Individual"
- "My Grandma's Depot"
- My Hand on Myself
- My Hat It Has Three Corners
- My Home's Across the Blue Ridge Mountains
- My Jolly Enemy
- My Old Kentucky Home
- "My Parents Moved to Washington, D.C."
- My Parents Treated Me Kindly
- На коню, коню
- Nellie Gray
- Несе Галя воду
- The New Game of Forty-One
- N***** and a Mule
- The Night Visitor
- Nim Nim
- Nine Pound Hammer
- No. 2 Frailach
- No Home
- No More Cane on the Brazos
- No Time to Tarry Here
- The Noble Duke of York
- Nous irons au bois ma mignonette
- Нова радість стала
- Nuts? I Like Nuts!
- O No, John
- Oats, Peas, Beans and Barley Grow
- Ой там за горою ясна зоря била (Oh, Behind the Mountain There Was the Bright Dawn)
- Oh, How He Lied
- Oh Jean Paget
- Oh Little Playmate
- Oif'n Pripitchik
- Les oiseaux les plus beaux
- Ой, у місті монастирі
- Ой, киньте грудочку землі для мене прощання
- Ой, в виннім, в виннім, в виннім городі, гей, дай Боже!
- "Ol' Blaynard" Tale
- Old Bald Eagle
- Old Bald Eagle
- Old Bangum
- Old Bell Cow
- Old Dan Tucker
- Old Dan Tucker
- Old Dan Tucker
- Old Dan Tucker
- The Old Devil
- Old Dog Tray
- The Old Family Toothbrush
- Old Joe Clark
- Old Joe Clark
- Old King Cole
- Old Miss Onion Died
- The Old Oaken Bucket
- Old Roger Is Dead
- Old Roger Is Dead (Poor Pompey)
- The Old Rugged Cross
- The Old Rugged Cross
- The Old She-Crab
- Old Shoes and Leggings
- Oleanna
- Olin nokka nuori mies
- Omie Wise
- Omie Wise
- On a Mountain
- On Dream Visitations From the Dead
- On Family, Immigration, and Mexican Children's Songs
- On Joe Wise and Church of the Epiphany
- On "Lamkin" and Balwearie Castle
- On Moonlight Bay
- On Moonlight Bay
- On Springfield Mountain
- On Springfield Mountain (New Hampshire Version)
- On Top of Old Smoky
- On Top of the Schoolhouse
- One Man Shall Mow My Meadow
- One Man Went to Mow a Meadow
- One Meatball
- One Morning in May
- Over the Rainbow
- Over the River and Through the Woods
- Over the River and Through the Woods
- The Owl
- The Owl and the Tom-Cat
- Oy Chanukah
- Paint Can Address
- Palace of the Czar
- Papaveri e papere
- Paper of Pins
- Par derrière chez ma tante
- Para ti
- The Parting Glass
- Pass It On
- The Patched-Up Old Devil
- La patita
- The Paw-Paw Patch
- The Paw-Paw Patch
- Los peces en el río
- Los peces en el río (Improvisation)
- Peggy Gordon
- Peggy Gordon
- The Penguin Song
- People Who Live in Glass Houses
- People Who Live in Glass Houses
- Peter Amberley
- Peter & I
- Le petit bébé, à matin
- Pheasant Plucker
- Piano Piece #3
- Під бором, бором
- Pig Ankle Rag
- The Pill
- Pin Pon
- Pin Pon
- Pink Pajamas
- Pirouette cacahuète
- Pirulito que Bate-Bate
- Planxty Fanny Power
- Pójdźmy wszyscy do stajenki
- Polly Wolly Doodle
- Pony Boy
- Pony Girl
- Poor Ellen Smith
- Poor Ellen Smith
- Poor Ellen Smith
- Poor Ellen Smith
- Poor Ellen Smith
- Poor Lolette
- Poor Wayfaring Stranger
- The Pope
- Por una mujer bonita
- Pray, for It Is Music to His Ears
- The Pretty Drummer Boy
- Pretty Polly
- Pretty Polly
- The Prickle-Holly Bush
- The Pricketty Bush
- Les prières (Poem)
- Прощай, душа, прощай душа
- Le p'tit porte-clé
- El puente está quebrado
- Pufferbillies
- Pumpkin, Pumpkin
- A pünkösdi rózsa
- Put on Your Old Gray Bonnet
- Que pase el rey
- Que te vaya bonito
- Queen Eleanor
- The Raggle Taggle Gypsies O
- The Rakes of Mallow
- Ram of Darby
- Ранила Милка славуја
- The Rapidan River
- El Ratón Vaquero
- The Rattlin' Bog (Bog Down in the Valley-O)
- "The Reason They Left Kentucky"
- Red River Valley
- Red River Valley
- Red River Valley
- Red River Valley
- Red River Valley
- Red Rubber Ball
- Reel Eugène
- Rene Rondolier Story
- Rest, Sweet Nymphs
- Reuben, Reuben
- Reynard the Fox
- Reynardine
- Ride a Cock-Horse
- Riding Down from Bangor
- Riqui ran, los maderos de San Juan
- Risselty Rosselty
- Road to Boston
- Road to Boston
- Robin Hood and the Three Squires
- Rochester Schottische
- Rockabout my Saro Jane
- Roll Along Covered Wagon
- Roll Along You Hungry Buggers
- Roll the Old Chariot Along
- Rollin' in My Sweet Baby's Arms
- Rollin' in My Sweet Baby's Arms
- Rose Conlee
- Rose, Rose, Rose, Rose/Ah, Poor Bird
- Rowing in a Dory
- Rye Whiskey
- Sail Away, Ladies
- Sailor Boy
- A Sailor Went to Sea
- Sailor's Song
- Saloon
- Sam Hall
- Same Old Man
- Sana, Sana, Colita de Rana
- Sandy Land/Black Jack Davy
- Santa Claus Is Coming
- El sapito dice sí
- Sara pe deal
- Saucy Analee
- Saucy Analee
- Saucy Analee
- Scarborough Fair
- School Days
- Scowan Erla Græ (King Orfeo)
- Sculați, gazde, nu dormiți
- Se va el caimán
- Second-Story Window
- Sema Na Yesu
- Serce w plecaku
- Seven Drunken Nights
- Seven Nights Drunk
- Shady Grove
- A Shanty in Old Shanty Town
- She Moved Through the Fair
- "She Never Sang to Us"
- She Wears Red Feathers and a Hula Hula Skirt
- She Wears Red Feathers and a Huly Huly Skirt
- She Wears Red Feathers and a Huly Huly Skirt
- She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
- She Wore Red Feathers and a Hula Hula Skirt
- She's a Lassie from Lancashire
- She's Like the Swallow
- She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain
- She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain
- Short Life of Troubles
- Shove the Pig's Foot a Little Closer to the Fire
- Show Me the Way to Go Home
- Side by Side
- Silkie of Sule Skerry
- Silver Threads Among the Gold
- Simple Gifts
- Sing Hosanna (Oil in My Lamp)
- Sing-A-Sing
- Siphonaptera
- Skewbald
- Skibbereen
- Skip to My Lou
- Skip to My Lou
- Sleepy Town
- The Soldier and the Lady
- Soldier John
- Soldier, Soldier
- Soldier, Soldier, Won't You Marry Me Now?
- Soldier's Joy
- Soldier's Joy
- Une souris verte
- Sourwood Mountain
- Sourwood Mountain
- Sourwood Mountain
- South Australia
- Spring Creek Gal/Chez Seychelles
- Spring Rain
- St. Louis Blues
- Stafford Hartley
- Stafford Hartley
- The Star of the County Down
- The Stars and Stripes Forever
- Staten Island Hornpipe
- The States
- Still I Love Him
- S-T-O-P
- Streets of Laredo
- The Streets of Laredo
- Strike Up the Band
- The Subway Song (My High Silk Hat)
- Sugar Hill
- Sullivan's Hollow
- Sunshine Mountain
- Superstitions Regarding the "Upyr"
- Superstitions Regarding the "Vampir"
- Supper Time
- Sur le pont d'Avignon
- Suzanna's a Funicle Man
- The Swap Song
- The Swapping Song
- Sweet Betsy from Pike
- Sweet Betsy from Pike
- Sweet Lovely Nancy
- Sweet Story
- Sweet the Evening Air of May
- Sweet Violets
- Sweet Violets
- Sweet Willie
- Sweet William's Ghost
- Szerelem, Szerelem
- La Tabacchera Mia (My Snuffbox)
- Tam Lin
- Tam Pierce (Widdecombe Fair)
- Tavistock Goosey Fair
- Te amo toda la vida
- Tell me why the stars do shine
- Tell Old Bill
- Темненька нічка
- That Little Mountain Church
- There Is a Tavern in the Town
- There Is No School Today
- There Was a Lady Lived in Leeds
- There Was an Old Soldier
- There Were Three in the Bed
- (There'll Be Bluebirds Over) The White Cliffs of Dover
- (There'll Be Bluebirds Over) The White Cliffs of Dover
- There's a Hole in the Bottom of the Sea
- There's a Long Long Trail A-Winding
- They Say That in the Army (Gee Mom, I Wanna Go Home)
- They Were All Out of Step But Jim
- This Is the Way the Ladies Ride
- This Land Is Your Land
- Thorn Rosa
- Three Fishermen
- Three Jolly Rogues of Lynn
- Three Nights and a Sunday Double Time
- Three Nights Experience
- Three Nights Experience
- Three Ravens
- "Three Walnuts"
- Till the Clouds Rolled By
- Time Has Made a Change in Me
- Titanic
- Tom Dooley
- Tom Dooley
- Tom Dooley
- Tom Dooley (Nellie Forster)
- Too Fat Polka
- Too Ra Loo Ra Loo Ral
- Torelli
- The Trail of the Lonesome Pine
- Tramp on the Street
- Tramp on the Street
- The Tree in the Woods
- Triunfamos
- Trot, Trot to Boston
- Tumbalalaika
- Tumbalalaika
- 'Twas on a Cold & Winter Day (Sir Hugh)
- Twilight Is Stealing
- Twilight Is Stealing
- Twisty Fist/The Mouth That Eats the Nose
- The Two Eagles and the Rabbit
- Two Little Dickie Birds
- Two Sisters
- Two Sisters
- Two Sisters
- The Unfortunate Miss Bailey
- У Одарочки на подвір'їчку
- Unidentified Irish Jig
- Unidentified Reel
- Unknown/All I Am I Give to You
- Unknown Christmas Goose "Massah" Tale
- Unknown "Sunflower Seed" Song
- The Unquiet Grave
- Until Further Notice
- Up Cambourne Hill
- Ute i vår hage
- Vader Jacob
- Venezuela
- La víbora de la mar
- Viejita
- The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy
- Vive le vin
- Vo luzern auf wäggis zue
- Vo luzern auf wäggis zue
- Völuspá/Hávamál
- Vyssan Lull
- W poniedziałek rano
- Wabash Cannonball
- Wait 'Till the Sun Shines, Nellie
- Wait 'Till the Sun Shines, Nellie
- Wait 'Till the Sun Shines, Nellie
- Wait 'Till the Sun Shines, Nellie/You Are My Sunshine/Down by the Old Mill Stream
- Walk Old Shoe, Heel Come A-Draggin'
- Walking Boss
- The Walloping Window Blind
- The Walloping Window Blind
- Waltzing Matilda
- Waltzing Matilda
- Waly, Waly
- Watch With Me
- Water Boy
- Waterbound
- Watermelon Hangin' on the Vine
- "We Had Paddling Back Then"
- "We Were Neighbors in Xenia" (Tornado Story)
- Wedding Kolomyika
- The Wedding Song
- Wee Little Pig
- We'll Make the Keel Row
- We're All Jolly Fellows That Follow the Plough
- Westphalia
- What a Friend We Have in Jesus
- What a Meeting That Will Be!
- What Do You Do When You're Stranded?
- What Do You Want to Your Breakfast
- When Good King Arthur Ruled This Land
- When I Cross That River
- When I Reach That City
- When I Was a Young Girl
- "When I Was in Germany, I Called Home"
- When It's Springtime in the Rockies
- When the Sun Goes Down Again
- When the Sun Goes Down Again
- When the Work's All Done This Fall
- When You Coming to See Me? (The Mountaineer's Courtship)
- Where Are You (Tonight I Wonder)
- Where's Your Money?
- Where's Your Money?
- White Coral Bells
- White Coral Bells
- White Coral Bells
- White Dove
- Who Threw the Overalls in Mrs. Murphy's Chowder?
- Who Threw the Overalls in Mrs. Murphy's Chowder?
- Whoa Mule
- Wie wil er mee naar Wieringen varen
- Wild Mountain Thyme
- Wild Mountain Thyme
- Wild Willie's Hair Tonic
- William Taylor
- Willie O' Winsbury
- Willie's Lady
- Willie's Lady
- Willie's Rare
- The Willow Tree
- The World Is Waiting for the Sunrise
- Wreck of the Old 97
- Writing Down Songs
- Χορός του Ζαλόγγου
- Yawning in the Morning
- Yecker o' Land
- Yella Gal
- Yellow Banjo
- Yestreen the Queen Had Four Marys
- Yew Piney Mountain
- Yon Yonson
- You Are My Sunshine
- You Are My Sunshine
- You Can't Get to Heaven (Three Variants)
- You're Irish and You're Beautiful
- You've Got a Friend
- Zdreanțâ
- Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah
- Ziyambe
- Zorro the Crow
- The Zulu Warrior